Physical Builds
There are few things in the world I enjoy more than making a cool idea come to life in the real world. My passion is creating, and learning the skills needed to create that “Aha!” moment in people with something I’ve built.
It doesn’t matter if they are games, toys, rooms, props or furniture — everything you interact with every day has the opportunity to blow your mind, or at least make you smile. The real shame is when it doesn’t.
Where Invention Happens…
Video from 2023 showing my workshop, 3D printer area, electronics lab and projects made at VVS
When I was a Senior Producer at Very Very Spaceship, I made video games, but another vital part of my job at that studio was facilitating the weird. I built out and maintained an entire workshop full of tools and materials. I was constantly looking for ways to create new, exciting experiences for myself, for my team and for visitors to the studio.
I created custom-branded tables. I helped build a haunted spaceship in the cabin of an old tugboat. I set up 3d printing and electronics labs, invented the HoloScope and all kinds of other fun, ridiculous and exciting experiments.
Along the way I created decks to communicate the status of projects, to demonstrate plans for the future and to get the crew hyped on the potential. I built out the lore of the world that these projects represented. I planned out the designs, materials, budgets and schedules for all of our physical build projects, and did a post-mortem analysis on each of them after their completion.
Basically, I love making weird, magical experiences happen. I believe deeply in the power of the Maker’s spirit, and am very good at empowering teams of creative weirdos like myself and helping their visions turn into reality.
Let’s make some fun together!